Date: Thursday 18th May, Assumption Day
Time: 18:00
Attendance: About 7000 people
Vision: The Blessed Virgin Mary with eight angels
The crowd grew bigger quickly at Ghiaie di Bonate. Everybody wanted to see the child and many were really worried about her safety. A Roman sergeant helped the small group reach the place of the apparitions.

From Adelaide's diary:
"During the recreation hours I kept thinking of the Lady and towards five I went for a snack in order to be punctual at the place of the apparitions. Our Lady's visit was preceded by the two doves. The Virgin was dressed in red with her green mantle, surrounded by little angels, like yesterday.

Our Lady smiled at me, then for three times She repeated these words: “Prayers and repentance”.Then She added: “Pray for the poor stubborn sinners who are dying in this moment and who pierce my Heart”.

Many people had urged me to ask Our Lady which prayer She appreciated better. I expressed this wish and She answered: “The prayer I like best is the Hail Mary”. After saying this, Our Lady slowly disappeared".


La folla numerosa di vedere la piccola Adelaide